Richard Morrock 9/11:A Date That Will Live in Infamy (D.R.Griffin『THE NEW PEARL HARBOR』書評)

A4で印刷して4頁ほどの書評 -- 最初の 2/3頁弱を試訳

Richard Morrock

9/11:A Date That Will Live in Infamy *1

出典: eSkeptic 2006/01/23(原文URL eSkeptic )

David Ray Griffin's fanciful tale of Bush administration complicity in the 9/11 terrorist attack is a perfect example of the kind of conspiratorial thinking discussed by George Case in Skeptic Vol. 11 No. 4.

911ブッシュ政権(自作自演)陰謀についての D.R.Griffinによる奇抜なつくり話は, Skeptic誌 Vol.11,No.4で G.Caseが論じた陰謀論的思考のスバらしい実例である.

There isn't much to be learned about the fateful events from Griffin's silly book, but he gives us some useful insight into the origins of paranoia.

あの重大な事件について Griffinのおばかな本から学ぶことはたいしてないが,偏執狂paranoiaの原因を洞察する役にたつ.

Most writers on a subject do what is called research on the material, which means reading books, conducting interviews, and tracking down documents.



This consumes far too much time and effort for conspiracy buffs like Griffin.

「研究」には, Griffinのような陰謀論狂たちより, はるかに多大な時間と労力がかかる.

His approach consists of asking disturbing questions, ignoring the actual evidence, speculating about the possible answers, assuming the worst-case scenario, and then drawing up his indictment of the administration based on his assumptions, even where they are in flagrant contradiction to widely-known facts.


  • 不安にさせる問いをたて
  • 現実の証拠を無視して
  • ありえる答えにおもいを巡らせ
  • 最悪の筋書きを仮定して


彼の仮定に基づく 政権への彼の告発を描き出す.

Starting with the dubious “who benefits argument?”, Griffin concludes that since President George W. Bush profited in terms of political capital from the 9/11 attacks, he had to be behind them.

いかがわしい"誰を利する論議?"から始まり, Griffinは9/11攻撃から政治的資本と称する利益を得たのはG.W.ブッシュ大統領であったことを根拠に, 9/11の黒幕はブッシュでなければならないと決め付ける.

Given that premise, he argues that the U.S. government masterminded the whole catastrophe from beginning to end, with the al-Qaeda hijackers being either innocent bystanders or U.S. secret agents.


*1:どう訳せばいいのか?? 標題からつまづいた, infamy [n] 不名誉,醜行
